Morrison Stabilisers

Our Stabiliser herd was established in 2019 following the purchase of a portion of the Womblehill herd. We are now also leasing the remainder of the Womblehill herd. This has been a tremendous opportunity and given us a good head start into the breed. We are now Stabiliser multipliers and work closely with The Stabiliser Cattle Company.

We run a variety of F1/F2/F3/F4/F5 & purebred Stabilisers. All bull calves are left entire and those not kept for breeding are finished on farm. We breed all our own replacements and will have a good selection of performance recorded breeding heifers & bulls for sale each year. All our stock are run in a commercial manner - we carry no passengers, we do not trim feet & we don’t put up with cattle that increase the labour required to run the herd i.e. assisted calving or suckling.